Creating open border majorities

While Eastern Europe is more realistic and has a strong commitment to national sovereignty in Western Europe governments are willing to serve the Soros agenda. Not everybody is accomplice everywhere but the conditions for resistance are quite different. Without knowledge of international background and deep state strategies it is hard so see how countries are getting under total control. Different government behaviour give us a clue how far countries are yet underminded by foreign forces.

The Visegrad Group in the EU (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) now is fighting back as Soros attacks them constantly via his NGO fronts. Hungary made clear that efforts to topple the government will bei countered and the Macedonian Stop Soros-movement is getting more and more attention (see Breitbart audo interview with Cvetin Chilimanov on February 17). Now both Congress and Senate will investigate Soros‘ foreign influence and the complicity of US agencies. While Austria remains silent as Chancellor Christian Kern has Soros ties and tries to provoke preliminary elections in order to create an open border majority.


Kern is often compared to Soros ally Trudeau (Twitter)

 Back in 2003 when Conservatives and Freedom Party formed a coalition they decided to replace Swedish Saab Draken fighter jets by supersonic Eurofighter produced by Airbus. Thanks to WikiLeaks (Cablegate) we know how Boeing and Airbus are rivals with the help of diplomatic efforts; in case of military procurement it would be Airbus and f.e. Lockheed Martin. In 2006 the Social Democrats tried to return into the government and portrayed their top candidate Alfred Gusenbauer as a „social fighter“ against the „Eurofighters“. Gusenbauer started his political career at the Socialist Youth International IUSY whose CIA connections became public in 1968. The party manager of the Social Democrats Norbert Darabos was successfully campaigning before but was now pinioned against the wall for dirty campaigning by Stanley Greenberg and his former employee Tal Silberstein.

John Stauber analyzed in 2012 how fake progressives serve the interests of the richest and mentioned connections like these. „Liberal Democratic Party players like MoveOn’s co-founder Wes Boyd and TIDES Drummond Pike drew closer with others including the George Soros, John Podesta and Stanley Greenberg crowd.“ Tides and MoveOn are Soros and as the leaked Podesta-Emails revealed Rosa Brooks (who calls for a military coup in the US) dined with Podesta and Soros to talk about Clinton’s strategy. The Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna is supported by the Open Society Foundations and by the Erste Group who both fund events and the European Stability Initiative which developed plans for „resettlement“ of illegal immigrants in order to destabilize Europe. At the institute Soros and Greenberg were invited as their picture gallery shows (questions on Soros ties and the no border – no state aim of Soros stay unanswered).

Greenberg is not really a friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who just met President Donald Trump as this article from 2011 shows: „In late February, the Israeli Knesset passed the NGO Funding Transparency Bill by 40 to 34. It had been a long journey for the bill,  which despite, its neutered, state was still a declaration of war by the conservative Likud Party against the shadow NGO empire that was the Soros way. While the bill was no longer able to empower the lifting of tax exempt status for foreign funded NGOs and it only addressed foreign funding of NGOs by government entities, it was a major step for foreign funding transparency.

The Soros empire had been built on non-transparency, on hidden donor lists and front groups funded by think tanks with money pipelined in grants through a dozen different organizations. NGO transparency threatened the entire Soros empire and the passage of even a neutered bill meant that Israel might finally be ready to begin rolling back the peel on the rotten fruits of the Open Society Institute. First governments, then foreign funders, parliamentary inquiries into foreign funding, and then the loss of tax exempt status for left-wing NGOs waging a civil war. The response came quickly. Less than two months later, Stanley Greenberg, whose firm had done work for OSI, presented a plan to use social protests to create a new majority against the government.“


Magazine News against Eurofighter (18 Feb 2017)


The last sentence sounds very very familiar not only to Donald Trump and his loyal supporters but also to the Hungarian and the Macedonian Government. And it was the first thought that came into my mind when I heard that Austrian Chancellor Kern wants a majority of Social Democrats, Green Party and Liberals. Without elections and other results than in 2013 this is utopia so a plan to „create“ new circumstances is necessary. And note what happened in Israel: „The campaign for Israeli NGO transparency threatens Soros’ long-term influence in Israel, and the defection of Jewish voters threatens his influence in America. His Israeli puppets have big money at stake.

Soros, the Shadow Party billionaires and the EU have spent fortunes to buy up the left. Israeli left-wing university grads with no talent for tech have a lucrative alternative to dot coms in the NGO, and if their NGO mafia were to collapse, it would give the leaders of the housing protests some real economic problems to cry about. Meanwhile, a guillotine was set up at the center of Tel Aviv’s housing protest tent city. It’s a message for Netanyahu from the man who has toppled governments and currencies that his days are numbered.“ Christian Kern’s wife Eveline has ties to the Silicon Valley (which belongs to the deep state) a compagny in Vienna (Blue Minds) and in Tel Aviv (Foresight) which is an interesting coincidence.

From the Podesta Emails we learn how Soros, Podesta, Greenberg and others wanted to take over America from 2008 (Obama) and beyond. No wonder that Clinton-adviser Greenberg who was behind staged protests against Netanjahu is consulted by Social Democrats in Austria and in the capital Vienna. When former Chancellor Werner Faymann was bullied out of office (over the border control and migration question) media presented successors even before he resigned. One was Christian Kern who as CEO of the Austrian Railway Compagny transported masses of illegal immigrants in 2015 and was therefore hyped by very fake news MSM. The other was Gerhard Zeiler, manager at Time Warner (owner f.e. of CNN and a member of CFR) who was the favorite of the Major of Vienna Michael Häupl.

Now the Social Democrats in Vienna are on the verge of collapse due to total chaos and mismanagement but Häupl only sees Zeiler as an alternative to himself which is completely unrealistic. Zeiler supported Kern and revealed on TV in 2016 that they regularily spoke about a coup in the Social Democrats. Soon after Kern came into office on May 17, 2016 he hired Tal Silberstein as a adviser and was contacted by George Soros. Somewhere at the beginning of July George and Alexander Soros came to Vienna to visit Kern which became public only because Alexander Soros posted a photo of the door shield in the Chancellory on Instagram. While Kern, his office, the Social Democrats refused to comment an opposition party made a parliamentary inquiry. In the answer Kern pretented not to know anything about Soros‘ influence though I documented it in detail and offered more information to him.


Bullying against Darabos via Twitter (18 Feb 2017)

In January 2017 the Conservatives began to complain about strange interest in party photos of the young Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz and blamed it on the coalition partner and Silberstein’s advice. Again Kern was unwillig to answer properly when confronted with such complaints on TV. The wall of silence which is typical if you want to talk about undermining society and Soros‘ fronts also concerns the activities of Tal Silberstein. He served as a role model for the film Our Brand is Crisis about dirty campaigning (based on a documentary of his and Greenbergs involvment in Bolivia) and is decribed in this way in an article from Botswana: „Contrary to earlier reports that the BDP (Botswana Democratic Party) had engaged Israeli company – Nikuv, the Israeli group inside Khama’s War Room, Timor Consultancy is headed by Adi Temor who first made international headlines as second in command at GCS International which was branded a Mossad front by the Romanian media during the 2012 Romanian election campaign. Timor personally worked with President Traian Basescu of Romania during the campaign, alongside GCS Chief Executive Officer Tal Silberstein reported to be a Mossad agent.“ GCS stands for Greenberg – Carville – Shum.

Again the Social Democrats refused to answer questions when I first wrote about it here though (or because?) I pointed out how Silberstein and Greenberg treated Norbert Darabos in 2006.  He clearly came under pressure at this time not because he had something to hide but because he didn’t want to serve powers from abroad. Note that George Soros is one of the CIA’s most imporant allies and that CIA and Mossad created ISIS while Trump is commited to eradicate this danger which begins to threaten the US and Europe in combination with illegal mass immigration. After the election in 2006 a coalition between Social Democrats and Conservatives was formed with Alfred Gusenbauer as Chancellor and Norbert Darabos as Defense Minister. Though Darabos was as a Member of Parliament active in the Defense Commitee, fake news media portrayed him now as an unlucky former civil servant who has no interest in the army,

In fact he was a civil servant in 1988 but in parliament from 2004 to 2006 so this seems ridiculous but they created a narrative to cover up what was happening. Darabos was sealed off via the cabinet chief (who is not mentioned in the constitution and could therefore only hand on real orders from the minister), he was (is) under total surveillance and pressure. This might sound very familiar to Foreign Secretary Rex Tillerson as employees in the Austrian ministry serves at least partly other interests.  Even the chief of general staff had no direct contact to the minister who was the commander of the army by constitution and had the control over the military representing the government. Many people even from embassies and fake news media told me that it was almost or often reallý impossible to talk to Darabos and that was what I experience myself (that is why it sounds familiar that the deep state tries to isolate Trump).

Eurofighter model

And in 2007 he had to try to make Silberstein’s and Greenberg’s promise real that the Eurofighter treaty can be resolved. In reality such a solution would only be possible if there is a proof for corruption but even a parliamentary investigation didn’t find enough. So Darabos had to negotiate a compromise agreement which lets the Social Democrats save their face in order not to break the campaign promise. The treaty was changed from 18 Eurofighters to 15 and some of them came from an older series. Darabos was bashed a lot in media who drew in general the picture of a loser ignoring the circumstances and that he was against the missile defense and Bush’s and Obama’s illegal wars.  When WikiLeaks released US embassy cables in 2010 MSM were totally partisan and made critical remarks to their own position as a quote of this analysis shows: „Crucial in this debate (on Austrian neutrality) have been internal documents of the US embassy in Vienna, which were made public by Wikileaks in late 2010 (Cable 10STATE17263). These documents criticised Austrian leaders, and Minister of Defence Norbert Darabos in particular, for being ‚openly hostile‘ to committing troops to dangerous operations such as in Afghanistan and Iraq (Presse 2010).“

The author fails to mention that the cable was signed by the CIA station chief (serving as interimistic ambassador) and that „Die Presse“ is a typical fake news asset. As „Der Spiegel“ also publishes news in English the American public could read this: „Referring to Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann, they write: ‚It has become clear that Faymann has no personal interest in foreign affairs.‘ In the US diplomats‘ view, Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger ‚has seemed to focus largely on economic penetration‘ for Austrian business interests. Defense Minister Norbert Darabos, the cables continue, is not just ‚uninterested in foreign and international security policy,‘ but is also ‚openly hostile to deploying Austrian troops on dangerous missions abroad.’“

Now the strategy of the Social Democrats is to provoke the Conseratives by demanding a new coalition agreement which worked very well and by going to court concerning possible corruption when the Eurofighter decision was made. Fake news media carefully frame Darabos suggesting he made the compromise agreement based on bribes. As usually Darabos‘ longtime membership in the board of his favorite football club Rapid Vienna is mentioned as it is known that EADS funded the club. That Darabos, who is now in the federal state government in Burgenland, always said he left the VIP box when someone from EADS tried to talk to him doesn’t count. As the only Social Democrat left with understanding of deep state and refusing to serve it he seems to be the ideal pawn sacrifice.

The present Defense Minister Hans Peter Doskozil is portrayed by MSM as a strong „debunker“ and Chancellor Kern can show the public that the Social Democrats are really reputable as they don’t spare one of their own politicians from being sued. That Doskozil says he wants to get „for taxpayer’s sake“ about one billion Euros  back from EADS and that we don’t need other fighter jets means he should give up Austrian neutrality via loosing the capacity to monitor our airspace and to intercept. And if it’s all just hot air, no matter – character assassination via liestream media always works as low froms of life (falsely called journalists) have so much fun when they can bully somebody. Of course all of them are fiercly against President Trump and see freedom of press in danger as he stands up. It is bitter irony that the Austrian Ministry of Justice and the office of public prosecutor suppressed all complaints concerning illegal practices in the Defense Ministry which harmed Darabos and those who are loyal to the constitution as well as the army and Austria.

Only those complaints are allowed which shed negative light on a politician who was (is) under pressure because he wants to do his duty so crimes are covered up. If Kern and Doskozil (aided by Peter Pilz from the intel front Green Party who wants a new parliamentary investigation) are successful they undermine the coalition to the point when Vice Chancellor Reinhold Mitterlehner gives up, somehow willing to follow Werner Faymann. Kern recently announced that he wants a coalition with the Greens and the Neos (Liberals) which are both open border (no nation state) parties. The Social Democrats are deliberately driven onto a dangerous path with makes them as deranged as the Democrats or the German Social Democrats are. Last summer leaks revealed that 30 % of European Parliament are George Soros‘ „reliable allies“ – among them seven MEPs from Austria, all three Greens, the one from the Neos and three Social Democrats. Remember what are the common features of everything Soros and Co. are doing? They want to create different majorities and they want open borders and the end of sovereign nation states. It is no coincidence that Kern is compared to Justin Trudeau, whose government has an official partnership with his mentor George Soros on the „resettlement“ of „refugees“ (i.e. illegal male Muslim immigrants to destabilize Canada).

PS: More on that see in German „So funktioniert Rufmord“ (How character assassination works)