New revelations: How they spy not only on Trump

Is Barack Obama really out office and Donald Trump US-President? When rallies are organized and material for impeachment is collected it seems that Trump’s days as president are at least counted. But it begins to backfire as Trump deliberately accused Obama and the intelligence agencies to spy on him and after Wikileaks exposes the CIA of mass hacking. As former CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson says in a RT interview there is Russian espionage against the USA and vice versa but this has nothing to do with the outcome of the elections. To communicate via Twitter is a bit problematic because Trump used the term „wiretapping“ was technically inaccurate. But the president draw attention to the fact that his communication was illegally monitored on Obama’s orders.

It is no surprise that NSA and CIA worked against the president as this behavior is part of a set of measures to topple Trump. Again it is necessary to stress there is no sign of classical interference at elections. To exchange the director of Central Intelligence is not enough as there are many illoyal „senior intelligence officials which have to be fired“, says Johnson. All these activities belong to „a coordinated plan linked to Barack Obama“ who give the green light when he was briefed on informations that came from British GCHQ. There must be „criminal charges against former members of the Obama Adminstration for what they have done“ probably under sedition. It are coordinated and not isolated events that umust be investigated. Meanwhile Wikileaks has published informations on CIA’s covert hacker center in Frankfurt, Germany for Europe,  Africa and the Middle East,


The Pussyhats‘ dangerous carelessness

Videos from a protest in New York show how leftists and Muslims both pause to several „Allahu Akbar“ cries. This is more than at the Women’s March in Berlin, Germany where a woman on the stage suddenly yelled „Allahu Akbar“ two times. So the real agenda gets more and more clear without revealing too much to those who still follow it. While President Trump was called a liar as he pointed at the situation in Sweden violence errupted in the once peaceful Skandinavian country. It is still most important that Sweden has a „feminist government“ which is not worried about the rising rape rate and willing to wear a Hijab when visiting Iran.

Mainstream Media now critize Marine Le Pen, the Head of Front National, who refused to  wear a headscarf so a meeting with the Grand Mufti in Lebanon was cancelled (while Michelle Obama got support for that visiting Saudi Arabia). They bashed her because she didn’t submit to rules applied only to women and oppressive from feminists‘ point of view. Who is now really a „feminist“ – Le Pen or Swedish Ministers who want to be (quite traditional) nice girls? If you watch videos from the „I’m a Muslim too“-march in New York with leftist solidarity it makes you shiver because that is designed to be our future. Infowars created Social Justice Warrior „Rainbow Snatch“ and demonstrates how parody meets reality.


Creating open border majorities

While Eastern Europe is more realistic and has a strong commitment to national sovereignty in Western Europe governments are willing to serve the Soros agenda. Not everybody is accomplice everywhere but the conditions for resistance are quite different. Without knowledge of international background and deep state strategies it is hard so see how countries are getting under total control. Different government behaviour give us a clue how far countries are yet underminded by foreign forces.

The Visegrad Group in the EU (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) now is fighting back as Soros attacks them constantly via his NGO fronts. Hungary made clear that efforts to topple the government will bei countered and the Macedonian Stop Soros-movement is getting more and more attention (see Breitbart audo interview with Cvetin Chilimanov on February 17). Now both Congress and Senate will investigate Soros‘ foreign influence and the complicity of US agencies. While Austria remains silent as Chancellor Christian Kern has Soros ties and tries to provoke preliminary elections in order to create an open border majority.


Kern is often compared to Soros ally Trudeau (Twitter)


It’s all about border control

A sovereign state is defined by territory, borders, citizens and exercised state power. As in Europe it seems also in the US hard to get through with this message. Soros-guided NGOs, fake news MSM and poiitical puppets deny such basic facts when Europe is flooded with illegal immigrants from Muslim countries. It is therefore mind-blowing for informed but desperate Europeans to see President Donald Trump told the truth at the Sheriff’s Association. He stressed that it’s hard to believe seeing judges not understand a law which every citizen very well understands as it’s written in clear („beautiful“) words. „Trump read language from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 which clearly grants the President express powers to control the entry of non-citizens into the United States on virtually any basis, but specifically as a duty to protect the citizens from potentially dangerous groups of foreigners“, writes Infowars.

What MSM, Democrats and Soros‘ fifth columns in the streets see as a proof for Trumps unability shows in contrast how qualified he is. When he addresses audiences he speaks to everybody in the US and in the world. And he chooses his words carefully: „Now we’re in an area that… they are interpreting things differently than probably 100% of the people in this room,” he said pointing ad judges who try to block his orders: “This was done for the security of our nation, the security of our citizens, so that people who come in who aren’t going to do us harm – and that’s why it was done.” There is no room for interpretation: “It couldn’t have been written anymore precisely… A bad high school student could understand this.” And then he quoted the US Code on „Inadmissable Aliens“ concerning „Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President“: „Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.“



Is Milo a scapegoat for the Left?

The Soros-NGOs follow always the same pattern as this is about psychological mechanisms. To create aversion in order to mobilize people it is necessary to personalize the „enemy“. In the US we find Donald Trump in this role or Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right and of course  members of the new Administration or Trump aides. Bear in mind that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came from the tradition of community organizer Saul Alinsky and his „Rules for Radicals“. No wonder Alinskys son L. David Alinsky in 2008 expressed admiration for Presidential candidate Obama.

After Obama was inaugurated David Horowitz published „Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model“ (see this pdf). The full text of „Rules for Radicals“ can be read here but let’s just pick one rule: „Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Wikipedia explains: „Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.“ This is exactly what a Soros funded protest at UC Berkeley tried to achieve when Milo was scheduled for a speech: „The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.“

„The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event“, the Daily Caller continues to explain: „While it is unclear whether those who carried out the violence were paid to do so, the benefactors of the Alliance for Global Justice — and Refuse Fascism — are listed online. According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016. One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.“

Milo Yiannopoulos is gay and his boyfriend is Black so it seems absurd that he should imperson „racism“ and „right wing extremism“.  As he works for Breitbart, he is automatically framed by those who are angry that „Killary“ didn’t win the elections. These Soros guided folks kept silent on Barack Obamas illegal wars and never stood up against targeted killings nor did they blame job losses and lost houses after the financial crisis on him though his work for ACORN contributed to it. They want to believe MSM and feel themselves supported when even European media like Der Spiegel (who has a drawing of Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty on the new cover) bash the President.

That some call for a military coup and more than 12.000 posted Tweets wishing Trump being assassinated fits into their kind of reality while others are shocked. Paul Craig Roberts cites in a new article feedback from readers on the strange course of till now respected leftist alternative media and on Soros‘ covert influence in Europe. Videos from Berkeley are very similar to videos from no border-protests in Europe see f.e. at the border between Austria and Italy last April. As in Berkeley  (where Alexander Soros studies) we witness flagpoles used as weapons and fireworks and the „Antifascists“ and „Welcomers“ can be traced to networks with Soros background. And Pawlow’s dogs  have a set of slogans they repeat endlessly including „refugees are welcome here“ regardless where they protest and why.

The demonstration above against a Freedom Party ball in Vienna shows that protesters are not „open-minded“ as they claim but have a very narrow worldview where everybody is a scapegoat who doesn’t represent their brainwashed ideas per 100 %. The so-called „Antifa“ of course cares only about illegal immigrants (mostly Muslim men) while domestic poor, homeless and victims of systematic human rights violations by corrupt parts of the justice system are ignored. What Yiannopoulos says at his events is not so sensational from European perspective but it presents a truth that is painful for George Soros‘  fifth columns. Perhaps under the impression of the riots at Berkeley Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka (a Conservative) said that organizers of demonstrations must be held accountable for possible damage.

While in California the damage done is estimated to be about $ 100.000 in Austria protest is usually more restraint. Nevertheless much police force was necessary to separate protesters from ball guests – in fact on February 3rd 2017 2800 policemen and -women outnumbered 2700 people in the streets. The protest was labelled as „Buntgebung“ playing with „Kundgebung“ for protest which means it should be colorful. In a press release a Social Democrat MP (who blindly follows the globalists‘ agenda) stresses that they fill the streets for „a human, solidary and open-minded Austria“. What assets of Soros and rogue elements in the CIA see as „human“ is always in line with warmonering, illegal wars and neglecting the own population and its needs. If you look at the platform behind the „Buntgebung“ this list can serve as basic for investigations of the intelligence agencies on foreign influence via „fronts“. The Austrian state TV ORF (as bad as WDR, ARD, ZDF, NDR etc. in Germany) suggested „a broad front“ against Sobotka’s plans to change laws concerning demonstrations.

In reality a Parliamentary majority is on his side but of course it affects „NGOs“ which are nothing else than foreign intelligence fronts. Now a protest in front of the Ministry is scheduled for February 7th where Sobotka’s resignation will be demanded by the usual suspects. As it was the case when a „spontaneous“ protest against President-elect Trump took place in November the initiative pretends to be „just private“ of „concerned citizens“ (because more and more are skeptical as they know about Soros‘ influence?). “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” is another of Saul Alinsky’s 13 „Rules“ and by Wikipedia explained that way: „Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.“ In fact protests who escalate always come from the Soros‘ side so the negative image of Trump (under ongoing attacks by the Deep State) and others turns positive. Meanwhile fake news reach an extent that Tweets by The Atlantic became a case for the Secret Service.

Adviser to Austrian Chancellor calls for military coup against Trump

Robert Misik is a contributor to fake news MSM and an adviser to Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern whose biography he has just published. When the former Chancellor Werner Faymann was attacked in Soros-color revolution style over immigration policies, Misik also took active part in agitating against him, On February 1st Misik shared a Tweet about an „unannounced trip“ of President Donald Trump whose destination is not disclosed. And he commented that this message makes him dream: „CIA, the Allende issue would be about, wouldn’t it?“

The freedom party announced a parliamentary inquiry in a press release and stated: „If the closest adviser, author of speeches and biographer of Chancellor Christian Kern, the hobby intellectual Robert Misik calls for a military coup against the democratically elected US President it is necessary to ask what is going in the Austrian Chancellory.“ The US supported the military coupagainst President Salvador Allende as they created according to Foreign Secretary Henry Kissinger the best conditions for it. As a consequence Allende committed suicide and many citizens were victims of the brutally military dictatorship unter Augusto Pinochet.

misikallendeRobert Misik on Twitter


Soros influence in Austria

Because Alexander Soros posted a photo of a door shield in the Austrian chancellory on Instagram the public learned that he has visited Christian Kern. MSM ignored it but alternative media reported so Robert Lugar (Team Stronach) made a parliamentary inquiry. In the answer we learn that it was the initiative of George Soros who was accompagnied by his son and other employees. Asked about Soros influence in Austria the Chancellor denied any knowledge which is clearly not true.

When I discovered what A. Soros has written („And the main reason for my slight detour to #vienna: A very productive meeting with the very impressive and relatively new head of the Austrian Government, Chancellor Christian Kern. #christiankern #bundeskanzler“) I emailed Kern’s office and summarized my research on huge Soros influence in Austria. What I found out is mirrored by experiences f.e. in Macedonia where a Stop Soros-movement has been created. I named a lot of NGOs, projects, networks, umbrella organizations on national, European, international level, conferences, forums, experts and legislative initiatives etc. who steer the dialogue on asylum, migration, gender, LGBTIQ issues and much more.


Alex Soros on Instagram


How George Soros destroys Europe

In Europe and in the U.S. citizen are more and more aware of George Soros‘ huge influence and his strategies. In the dramatical development in summer 2015 when European nation states were forced to open their borders Soros‘ front organizations played a vital role. This article focuses on Stop Operation Soros Macedonia as they have just started and provide informations in English. The strategy in other countries is absolutely identical so what Cvetin Chilimanov says in videos and on the radio is a perfect blueprint for Austria, Germany and other states.

On the radio Chilimanov says that Soros had a special interest in Greece which should serve as a „Socialist“ role model. In fact there was much enthusiasm on the newly elected Syriza Government two years ago as I witnessed among Social Democrats and Communists in Vienna. But the Syriza representative Giorgos Chondros who has lived for several time in Vienna and therefore speaks German was very vague when I asked him for the second time (at the second public debate with him I attended) about NATO. In the program of Syriza leaving NATO and reducing defense spending was promised. That Syriza was not „real“ was clear when former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis (who was hyped with his wife Dana Stratou by the MSM and has Soros ties) founded „Diem 25„, a party on EU level that promotes to go beyond the nation state.


Going after Barron and Melania Trump

If you are in the middle of the mainstream and attack a person you are not very courageous. Civil courage is on the contrary defined as standing alone against others because you feel that you must defend somebody or something. So it is a matter for cowards to go after Barron and Melania Trump either because they seem easier targeted or because haters are tired of denouncing Donald Trump. MSM now defend Barron Trump and use him to bash his father suggesting he is a poor child with such a dad. This German article shows that in Europe and in the U.S.  Barron was in the focus of not really funny „jokes“.  The agenda against Donald Trump (the „narcisst“ and „lunatic“ in the White House) is expanded to Barron and Melania Trump.

So journalists, comedians and whoever has a Twitter account or can publish elsewhere are invited to speculate: Do we have to be sorry for Barron growing up in a „golden cage“? Was he bored by the inauguration and could her perhaps be (a little bit) autistic? Will he become „this first home school shooter“ als Katie Rich has put it? By the way she seems to have lost her Saturday Night Live job but will soon get another. It is common to draw back a little bit when the effect is predominantly negative stating that it was „just fun“. But whoever has written real political satire knows the difference between substantial and sharp critic and mere offensive provocation.


Donald and Barron Trump (Twitter)
