Merkel visits Trump: What you must know

Media report that trade relations will be in the center of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit in Washington. Due to bad weather the trip is delayed until Friday so we have time to explain what is going on in Europe with Germany as an epicenter. German mainstream just has revealed a secret agreement with Turkey on taking Syrian refugees. Between 150.000 and 250.000 should be send directly to Germany which reminds critical citizens of the so-called „Merkel Plan“. In December 2015 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed that Merkel had a „secret pact“ with Turkey concerning half a million Syrians each year for the EU.

In spring 2016 it became public that the then promoted „Merkel Plan“ could be called „Soros Plan“ as it was developed by the think tank European Stability Initiative which is supported by the Open Society Foundations, the Erste Group and others. The CEO of the (Austrian) Erste Bank Andreas Treichl is chair of the OSF’s advisory board and the bank’s foundation often cooperates with Soros or with Soros funded institutes, projects and groups. It seems that new revelations on Merkel and Turkey prove secret agreements showing Merkel as another pawn in the game of Soros and the deep state. And while Donald Trump was heavily critized by German politicians, only some exceptions blamed Obama for NSA spying, his illegal wars and the drone war with the US base Ramstein as a relais station.


How we can stop George Soros

Everything that happens to divide citizens and to force illegal immigration has ties to billionaire George Soros. His goal is the destruction of nation states so anger, fear and hatred among the population is created and nurtured and destabilization via immigration is stimulated. Donald Trump’s fights with courts who refuse to understand what is written in the law have the same reason as constant refusal of European courts to apply laws to Muslim immigrants. It makes no sense to collect news about privileged treatment of such illegal immigrants and share them on Facebook or to mourn rising poverty among citizens.

Attacking Governments or in the US politicians and leftists seems fruitless if you don’t talk about the hidden agenda of Soros and other globalists. The Hungarian Government said openly that Soros wants to bring it down via more than 60 NGOs. On February 11 Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned in bis annual speech that Soros‘ activities pose a threat to Hungarian sovereignty and offered asylum to all Europeans who defend their values against Islam and „multiculturalism“ and he said: “Here there are large predators swimming in the water, and this is the transnational empire of George Soros.” He says the globalists want Europe’s states transformed into „railway stations“ everybody can enter.

Orban’s recent speech with subtitles in English


Soros-style global feminism

Eve Ensler encouraged women to „vote with your vagina“, took part in the Women’s March and was the initiator of One Billion Rising against violence. Since 2013 women and girls in more and more cities of the world dance on February 14, this year the overall theme is fighting all kinds of exploitation. Though OBR never mobilizes as much women as the Women’s March on January 21 did we should take a closer look at it. When I attended OBR Vienna last year I felt pretty much alienated about the direction of the event and the speeches as „refugees“ (= illegal immigrants) were in the focus and there were partly heavy attacks on the Government.

As I then was in the midst of tracing all political activities back to transatlantic roots and George Soros I did the same research on women’s associations and networks. It turned out that even some kind of „aftershow party“ took place at a location which hosted a series of debates in cooperation with Soros‘ foundations and Soros himself was guest then. Now Eve Ensler is listed in Helena Glass ‚ blog among those Hollywood people reasonable people wo defend their country should boycott because they represent the Soros agenda. Eve Ensler wrote before the election like that: „Donald Trump is not a leader or a presidential candidate. He is an outcome, a viral manifestation of a serious malignant illness. He is the mirror of our emptiness, the emptying out that has been happening to our country for a very long time.“


Soros influence in Austria

Because Alexander Soros posted a photo of a door shield in the Austrian chancellory on Instagram the public learned that he has visited Christian Kern. MSM ignored it but alternative media reported so Robert Lugar (Team Stronach) made a parliamentary inquiry. In the answer we learn that it was the initiative of George Soros who was accompagnied by his son and other employees. Asked about Soros influence in Austria the Chancellor denied any knowledge which is clearly not true.

When I discovered what A. Soros has written („And the main reason for my slight detour to #vienna: A very productive meeting with the very impressive and relatively new head of the Austrian Government, Chancellor Christian Kern. #christiankern #bundeskanzler“) I emailed Kern’s office and summarized my research on huge Soros influence in Austria. What I found out is mirrored by experiences f.e. in Macedonia where a Stop Soros-movement has been created. I named a lot of NGOs, projects, networks, umbrella organizations on national, European, international level, conferences, forums, experts and legislative initiatives etc. who steer the dialogue on asylum, migration, gender, LGBTIQ issues and much more.


Alex Soros on Instagram
