Austrian President: Women should wear Hijab

Since January Alexander Van der Bellen, the former head of the Green Party, is Austrian President. His campaign had some parallels to that of Emmanuel Macron as it was called a „movement“ and labelled as „independent“. After he and Norbert Hofer (Freedom Party) remained for the second round it was a constellation similar to France with the whole establishment for one candidate. A TV report now quotes Van der Bellen discussing in March with schoolkids saying literally: „It is the right of a woman – do men also wear headscarfs? – to dress however they like. This is my opinion. And not only Muslim women. Every woman can wear a hijab. And when things proceed this way – which brings me to the next question – concerning the real increase of islamophobia the day will come when we ask all women to wear a hijab, also in solidarity whith those who do it for religious reasons.“

When the TV report cut him off the full version (on the Facebook page of the EU in Vienna) this makes it even worse as he compared veiled women with the legend of Danes who in WW II attached Yellow Stars to their clothes in order to protect Jews (which is untrue). The increase of Antisemitism in Europe is not a result of never dying out Nazis but of mass immigration from Muslim countries and authorities who are unable to deport whoever has no right to get asylum. While Van der Bellen’s team complains that the public broadcaster ORF took him „out of context“ (in „Report„) this context makes it even worse. Those who intimidate not only Jews are compared with Jews whose lives were in danger. If we try to imagine what Austria or any other Western country whould look like if „all women wear hijab in solidarity“ it is the picture of a state completely overtaken by Islam.

(Social Democrat) Women for Van der Bellen (Facebook)


Trump and the Women’s Strike

The International Women’s  Day on March 8 was the next step in a series of protests aimed at removing Donald Trump from the White House. The idea to call for a women’s strike is not new but this time it should show the new administration what America would be without the work of women. The Women’s Strike website includes an Instagram feed where we see a picture from a protest for opposition leader Chuck Schumer. We can assume that none of these women was aware that she demonstrates for the deep state and not against an alleged „sexist“ as president.

Mainstream media’s function is to create a specific narrative which is now destroyed by exposing the CIA’s cyber war via Wikileaks. Part of it is to support every kind of protest so The New Yorker wrote on March 7: „Tomorrow is the Women’s Strike, the fourth of ten actions that have been called for by the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington. The strike was planned to coincide with International Women’s Day, and the march organizers, in tandem with a team organizing protests in forty countries around the world, have asked women to take whatever form of action their lives allow for. Take the day off from “paid and unpaid labor,” including housework and child care, if you can, or avoid shopping at corporate or male-owned businesses, or simply wear red in solidarity. There will be rallies in at least fifty cities around the United States.

Protest for Schumer as women’s representative


Are Democrats (and Social Democrats) insane?

„Are the Democrats mentally insane?“ is a question some rise regarding how Sally Boynton Brown presented herself as a candidate for the DNC chair. She begins with „Black lives matter“ meaning not only the Soros-funded organization BLM. Brown describes that she comes from „white“ Idaho and tries to connect with all people of color she can. It might be tantalizing but leads to false conclusions when we make fun of a allegedly lunatic women who claims she is „no politician“. Under the suggestion she is manipulated her words tell us a lot about the direction in which societies should be steered with the help of Democrats and Social Democrats.

She says that „White leaders in our party have failed. We have to accept there is prejudice which exists within our own party“.  And she states that this situation cannot be hidden or covered up and „we cannot smash voices down when they are trying to scream ‚listen to me, you don’t get it!‘ I’m a white woman, I don’t get it.“ Brown feels „pleased and honoured“ to be at the DNC to have that „conversation“ as it is her job to „listen“. „My job is to listen and to give a voice and my job is to shut other white people down when they want to interrupt.“ She also wants to shut them down when they claim they have no prejudice as they are Democrats. For her white people should shut their mouth and listen because they are privileged.


This is the real danger for women

It seems unbelievable that millions of women turned out to the streets under the notion that Donald Trump is the worst sexist ever. But this is the classic color- or theme-revolution strategy carried out by assets of George Soros and other globalists in so many countries.  In this case the color is pink (see all these „pussyhats“ on videos) and the theme is Donald Trumps alleged violation of women’s rights. In order to hide how poor their „arguments“ are his enemies launch memes in social media as „proofs“ that he is „no gentleman“ compared to Obama showing both couples, the Trumps and the Obamas.

Even some women who have realized that the hyped „refugees“ issue in Europe is about illegal immigration and cultural dominance fall into this trap.  Geopolitics and the role of covert strategies is for most of them – in their own words – „too complicated“ to look through so they buy fake news mainstreams‘ portrait of the new President.  And they support the Women’s March either in one of many cities outside the U.S. or at least on Facebook or Twitter. „How do you stop good people from hurting themselves?“ asked Eileen Toplansky: „How do you stop good people from careening over a cliff?  How do you protect decent Jewish philanthropic women from aligning with groups who would be quite happy to hurt them in many ways?“
