Soros agent John McCain vs. „Russian agent“ Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul is a vital critic of the deep state’s militarism and blocked Montenegro’s NATO membership.  He said it would be “unwise to expand the monetary and military obligations of the United States given the burden of our $20 trillion debt” and left the floor. For Senator John McCain his decision demonstrates that „he is now working for Vladimir Putin“ helping him to achieve his objectives and „trying to dismember this small country which is already subject of an attempted coup“. In fact McCain has experience with coups see Ukraine 2014 where his mentor George Soros and the CIA once again successfully changed a regime.

And Montenegro as well as other Balkan states has been targeted by Soros and co. since many years under the „philantropic“ cover of promoting economic development. Back in 2000 PR Wire published a press release with the title „First International Bank Opens in Montenegro – George Soros‘ Economic Development Foundation Among Main Investors“ written by the named Soros foundation: „In discussing the formation of Euromarket Banka, George Soros said that it was his expectation that the bank would receive broad acceptance from Montenegrin businesses and consumers. He indicated that the strong group of investors that has been assembled would insure a stable capital base of the Bank, make depositors confident that their funds were well protected, and bring about sound banking practices.


Merkel visits Trump: What you must know

Media report that trade relations will be in the center of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit in Washington. Due to bad weather the trip is delayed until Friday so we have time to explain what is going on in Europe with Germany as an epicenter. German mainstream just has revealed a secret agreement with Turkey on taking Syrian refugees. Between 150.000 and 250.000 should be send directly to Germany which reminds critical citizens of the so-called „Merkel Plan“. In December 2015 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed that Merkel had a „secret pact“ with Turkey concerning half a million Syrians each year for the EU.

In spring 2016 it became public that the then promoted „Merkel Plan“ could be called „Soros Plan“ as it was developed by the think tank European Stability Initiative which is supported by the Open Society Foundations, the Erste Group and others. The CEO of the (Austrian) Erste Bank Andreas Treichl is chair of the OSF’s advisory board and the bank’s foundation often cooperates with Soros or with Soros funded institutes, projects and groups. It seems that new revelations on Merkel and Turkey prove secret agreements showing Merkel as another pawn in the game of Soros and the deep state. And while Donald Trump was heavily critized by German politicians, only some exceptions blamed Obama for NSA spying, his illegal wars and the drone war with the US base Ramstein as a relais station.


New revelations: How they spy not only on Trump

Is Barack Obama really out office and Donald Trump US-President? When rallies are organized and material for impeachment is collected it seems that Trump’s days as president are at least counted. But it begins to backfire as Trump deliberately accused Obama and the intelligence agencies to spy on him and after Wikileaks exposes the CIA of mass hacking. As former CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson says in a RT interview there is Russian espionage against the USA and vice versa but this has nothing to do with the outcome of the elections. To communicate via Twitter is a bit problematic because Trump used the term „wiretapping“ was technically inaccurate. But the president draw attention to the fact that his communication was illegally monitored on Obama’s orders.

It is no surprise that NSA and CIA worked against the president as this behavior is part of a set of measures to topple Trump. Again it is necessary to stress there is no sign of classical interference at elections. To exchange the director of Central Intelligence is not enough as there are many illoyal „senior intelligence officials which have to be fired“, says Johnson. All these activities belong to „a coordinated plan linked to Barack Obama“ who give the green light when he was briefed on informations that came from British GCHQ. There must be „criminal charges against former members of the Obama Adminstration for what they have done“ probably under sedition. It are coordinated and not isolated events that umust be investigated. Meanwhile Wikileaks has published informations on CIA’s covert hacker center in Frankfurt, Germany for Europe,  Africa and the Middle East,


Angela Merkel and the destruction of Germany

While the German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit US President Donald Trump on March 14 her role in Germany and Europe still seems a mystery to many. After the fatal decision to welcome „refugees“ (indeed illegal immigrants) in autumn 2015 the face not only of Germany has changed radically. And everybody who is not aware that the deep state exists might still be wondering how German politicians and media treat President Trump. Half a year before the German elections the deep state seems to shift its „sympathy“ from Merkel to Martin Schulz, the top candidate of the Social Democrats and among George Soros‘ „reliable allies“.

As Soros himself is one of the most important CIA allies his contacts and various funding of (fake) NGOs in many fields in Europe and the US serve the purpose to undermine every legitimate government. While there is some speculation Merkel’s trip to Washington might improve her chance being re-elected concerned citizens hope that Trump will wash her head as he is right in calling her migration policy lunatic. At the same time citizens especially in Germany, Austria and Sweden (countries which illegal immigrants prefer) that a coming decision by the EU court puts an end to their states. When the court rules that everybody who wants to apply for a humanitarian visa with the perspective of getting asylum at embassies we would become totally overrun (exactly what Soros wants).


Fake News on Trump and Fake News

Mainstream media in the US and in Europe critize Donald Trump for declaring „the“ media „the“ enemy of the people and say he „hates“ them. In fact he explains how damaging false narratives are which create those media who spread fake news. They are indeed enemies of citizens that want to be informed and can’t differ between false or true when they are not part of a story. As Trump mentioned in his recent speech, fake news begin with fake polls that suggests it’s not worth voting for a candidate who probably has no chance.

Trumps next „fauxpas“ is his refusal to attend the White House Correspondents‘ Dinner. The White House Correspondents‘ Association was found in 1914 and hold itsd dinner without women until 1962. As since 1983 a comedian holds a speech mocking the president Trump might miss better jokes than he faces in the MSM and from Hollywood. Not being there is a signal in the fight on hegemonial discourse because Trump shows them that they need him and not vice versa. Once journalists just had the job to report unless they did something extraordinary, With Edward Bernays, the father of modern PR, they became stars themselves and where subject to medias‘ attention.

Donald Trump at the Conservative Political Action Commitee


Was there a Catholic Spring in 2013?

After US Catholics wrote an open letter to President Donald Trump there is some debate about the „regime change“ in the Vatican in 2013. Based on various open sources they ask Trump to investigate the role of known suspects like George Soros and John Podesta concerning the surprising election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis. Since then not only Christians witnessed a dramatic shift of paradigm in the Catholic Church and beyond.

The open borders and pro Islam agenda becomes clearer each day but we are running out of time. It seems in the first moment unbelievable but the fight of globalist vassals against President Trump gets more and more beyond everything usual until now. It would be the wrong term to say they are out of control because that is how they should appear. Bergoglio unmasks  in trivializing danger although also fake quotes circulate suggesting he calls for a merger of Christianity and Islam. It is sufficient to visit events with theologists who promote mass immigration to know where the journey leads to.


Installation mourning of drowned refugees (Frauenkirchen in Austria)


Let’s make a regime change!

Two regime change attempts are going on in the USA – one continues the failed coup of the Clinton supporters and the other is the successful counter coup which didn’t stop when Donald Trump was sworn in on January 20. The US are not the only country where different forces are fighting each other mostly hidden from public attention but with some visible tips of the iceberg. From the outside you may recognize clever moves if you know what counts and in which spheres changes are necessary.

It is of great value to study your opponents to a degree that you see deep state / shadow government actions wherever they take place. Though there is growing awareness and that there are many well informed people around the world they  must take direct action. That means they need supporters which don’t understand every detail and why this decision or that person is so important but who share with you a basic believe things are going wrong and media lie at them. The latter must develop to an instinctive reflex to be sceptical and to think first and perhaps adopt later what MSM might tell you. Experience teaches us they spread fake news on every item and person of significance so a small portion of trustful information is left.

Video on the CIA and the French elections 2012


Why I trust Donald Trump

It could be easy to decide whether Trump is trustworthy or not: take a look at mainstream media and you know nodody is attacked relentlessly who is a hostage of the deep state. But we must try to understand what he and his loyal supporters are doing and what their enemies are planning. To learn everything about Trumps known decision goes far beyond the capacities of everybody so we have to concentrate on what is imporant for us. As a non mainstream but real journalist his handling the press is indeed impressive.

He acts authentic and handles several challenges in one press conference. First business as usual as he speaks about measures and plans in different fields. So far it has been a normal press conference similar to others given by politicians. Then he chooses as during his campaign a language every citizen can understand knowing many would see at least some excerpts. And finally he addresses the hidden fakestream agenda to denounce him and his family and to get him removed from office based on lies. Remember how the Iraq war in 1991 was sold to the public? By false claims that after the invasion of Kuwait babies were thorn out of their incubators. The key story was published in December 1990 by the Washington post quoting Amnesty International, a „human rights“ intelligence front.

Trumps press conference on February 16


Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and the Deep State

Double standard is understatement if you compare private contacts of US officials with representatives of other states and business at Bilderberg meetings with Michael Flynns phone conversation with the Russian ambassador. This is clear for many people who now are disappointed by Donald Trump who should have resisted the Neocons. But we all don’t walk in Trumps‘ shoes so let’s give him still some credit and take a look at the details. Alternative media worldwide is putting puzzle pieces together and profits from each other in order to create a different narrative.

Of course Trump is the real goal of all attacks and from his enemies‘ perspective they have won this round. Everybody is going after him, from fake human rights organizations funded by George Soros whose campaigns are echoed worldwide to illoyal State Department Staff and fake news MSM. Still Trump is no warmongerer even if he needs a new National Security Adviser – otherwise he would not be under constant fire. As Joel B. Pollak writes, the real questions concerning Flynn are others: „Whether Flynn deliberately concealed the contents of his conversation from Vice President Pence, or merely forgot what had been said, he was ‚caught‘ because the Department of Justice had been eavesdropping on the conversation.


Europe and US national security

Ongoing attacks on President Donald Trump are echoed and strengthened in Europe following the same pattern as in the US: politicians, MSM, fake NGOs which hide the truth from the citizens. As a consequence many people still believe that it is right wing populism to safeguard borders and a state’s survival. As Europe is flooded with illegal immigrants (mostly Muslim men) the continent is rapidly destabilized. It begins in countries who are undermined to a degree that there is almost no resistance against letting these migrants in, treat them as refugees (without applying provisions of the refugee convention on the duties of such „guests) and ruin the welfare system.

In 2008 a CIA study was leaked at later confirmed by CIA Director Michael Hayden that many agglomerations in Europe will be no go areas where riots emerge that lead to civil wars. According to the CIA this would be caused by Muslim migration and turn some EU members into failed states until 2020. When I was at a shopping mall in Vienna for the last time I tried to image what it would be about if there was fighting going on in distant districts. I knew videos from Aleppo as a divided city with parts of „normal life“ and others of chaos, destruction, war. Of course you can’t transfer such a scenario but you have to be aware of it at least theoretically. But for sure dramatic changes will happen rapidly as Sweden shows.


Front group Amnesty International against Trump


Is Milo a scapegoat for the Left?

The Soros-NGOs follow always the same pattern as this is about psychological mechanisms. To create aversion in order to mobilize people it is necessary to personalize the „enemy“. In the US we find Donald Trump in this role or Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right and of course  members of the new Administration or Trump aides. Bear in mind that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came from the tradition of community organizer Saul Alinsky and his „Rules for Radicals“. No wonder Alinskys son L. David Alinsky in 2008 expressed admiration for Presidential candidate Obama.

After Obama was inaugurated David Horowitz published „Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model“ (see this pdf). The full text of „Rules for Radicals“ can be read here but let’s just pick one rule: „Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Wikipedia explains: „Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.“ This is exactly what a Soros funded protest at UC Berkeley tried to achieve when Milo was scheduled for a speech: „The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.“

„The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event“, the Daily Caller continues to explain: „While it is unclear whether those who carried out the violence were paid to do so, the benefactors of the Alliance for Global Justice — and Refuse Fascism — are listed online. According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016. One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.“

Milo Yiannopoulos is gay and his boyfriend is Black so it seems absurd that he should imperson „racism“ and „right wing extremism“.  As he works for Breitbart, he is automatically framed by those who are angry that „Killary“ didn’t win the elections. These Soros guided folks kept silent on Barack Obamas illegal wars and never stood up against targeted killings nor did they blame job losses and lost houses after the financial crisis on him though his work for ACORN contributed to it. They want to believe MSM and feel themselves supported when even European media like Der Spiegel (who has a drawing of Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty on the new cover) bash the President.

That some call for a military coup and more than 12.000 posted Tweets wishing Trump being assassinated fits into their kind of reality while others are shocked. Paul Craig Roberts cites in a new article feedback from readers on the strange course of till now respected leftist alternative media and on Soros‘ covert influence in Europe. Videos from Berkeley are very similar to videos from no border-protests in Europe see f.e. at the border between Austria and Italy last April. As in Berkeley  (where Alexander Soros studies) we witness flagpoles used as weapons and fireworks and the „Antifascists“ and „Welcomers“ can be traced to networks with Soros background. And Pawlow’s dogs  have a set of slogans they repeat endlessly including „refugees are welcome here“ regardless where they protest and why.

The demonstration above against a Freedom Party ball in Vienna shows that protesters are not „open-minded“ as they claim but have a very narrow worldview where everybody is a scapegoat who doesn’t represent their brainwashed ideas per 100 %. The so-called „Antifa“ of course cares only about illegal immigrants (mostly Muslim men) while domestic poor, homeless and victims of systematic human rights violations by corrupt parts of the justice system are ignored. What Yiannopoulos says at his events is not so sensational from European perspective but it presents a truth that is painful for George Soros‘  fifth columns. Perhaps under the impression of the riots at Berkeley Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka (a Conservative) said that organizers of demonstrations must be held accountable for possible damage.

While in California the damage done is estimated to be about $ 100.000 in Austria protest is usually more restraint. Nevertheless much police force was necessary to separate protesters from ball guests – in fact on February 3rd 2017 2800 policemen and -women outnumbered 2700 people in the streets. The protest was labelled as „Buntgebung“ playing with „Kundgebung“ for protest which means it should be colorful. In a press release a Social Democrat MP (who blindly follows the globalists‘ agenda) stresses that they fill the streets for „a human, solidary and open-minded Austria“. What assets of Soros and rogue elements in the CIA see as „human“ is always in line with warmonering, illegal wars and neglecting the own population and its needs. If you look at the platform behind the „Buntgebung“ this list can serve as basic for investigations of the intelligence agencies on foreign influence via „fronts“. The Austrian state TV ORF (as bad as WDR, ARD, ZDF, NDR etc. in Germany) suggested „a broad front“ against Sobotka’s plans to change laws concerning demonstrations.

In reality a Parliamentary majority is on his side but of course it affects „NGOs“ which are nothing else than foreign intelligence fronts. Now a protest in front of the Ministry is scheduled for February 7th where Sobotka’s resignation will be demanded by the usual suspects. As it was the case when a „spontaneous“ protest against President-elect Trump took place in November the initiative pretends to be „just private“ of „concerned citizens“ (because more and more are skeptical as they know about Soros‘ influence?). “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” is another of Saul Alinsky’s 13 „Rules“ and by Wikipedia explained that way: „Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.“ In fact protests who escalate always come from the Soros‘ side so the negative image of Trump (under ongoing attacks by the Deep State) and others turns positive. Meanwhile fake news reach an extent that Tweets by The Atlantic became a case for the Secret Service.

Former Obama adviser calls for coup in the US

Calls for the assassination of President Donald Trump or for a military coup are part of a dynamics which could become dangerous. It seems that Soros vassals like Rosa Brooks set the tune and others follow via social media. Rosa Brooks is the daughter of Socialist author Barbara Ehrenreich and worked from 2009 to 2011 for the State Department and the Department of Defense. She now uses her Foreign Policy befasst column to discuss ways getting rid of Trump – among them to declare he’s mentally insane but most bizarre idea is a military coup:

„The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders. The principle of civilian control of the military has been deeply internalized by the U.S. military, which prides itself on its nonpartisan professionalism. What’s more, we know that a high-ranking lawbreaker with even a little subtlety can run rings around the uniformed military. During the first years of the George W. Bush administration, for instance, formal protests from the nation’s senior-most military lawyers didn’t stop the use of torture. When military leaders objected to tactics such as waterboarding, the Bush administration simply bypassed the military, getting the CIA and private contractors to do their dirty work.“

brooksOn Brooks @ Twitter


Donald Trump vs. US Intelligence

While Donald Trump’s enemies who are the emenies of national sovereignty everywhere promote their fake #MuslimBan protests and show their hysteria in MSM the new President quietly takes one action after the other. The more controlled public opinion is concentrated on raising anger and fear the less his decisions in other fields are debated. Of course Trump knows that MSM are closely linked to rogue elements in the CIA and his open opponents George Soros, the Democrats and ex-CIA-chiefs like the Muslim John Brennan or Mike Morell.

But as Thierry Meyssan writes at Voltaire Net, „Donald Trump has just undertaken the most important reform of the administrative structures in the United States for more than 69 years. He has just put an end to the imperial project and is reshaping his country into a State like any other.“ Meyssan explains: „From 1947 to 2001, the National Security Council was right at the heart of the Executive. The President shared power over it with [two other officials]: the Director of the CIA, (appointed by the President) and the Chief of Joint Military Forces chosen by his peers. Since 11 September 2001, the Council was in fact placed under the supervision of the ‚Continuity of Government‘ of Raven Rock Mountain.“


#MuslimBan Protest in Dundee (Scotland)


George Soros wants to bring down Hungarian Government

One of the „enemies“ of many European politicians and MSM is the Hungarian Government which defends European values and culture and refuses to call illegal immigrants „refugees“. The pattern of covert influence via more than 60 Soros funded NGOs is visible in Hungary as in other countries but the Government takes steps against it. So Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto openly spoke about the undermining of society in a recent RT interview. The Minister critizes NGOs for claiming that they represent the citizen’s wishes and demands and asks who has elected them and who has given them a mandate. He says that it always is the Government and the Parliament which have to represent the population and that NGOs with foreign funding lack transparency.

„The approach that NGOs represent the society is very dangerous“ he puts it and describes a situation similar to other European countries where hijacked NGOs also see themselves as „the“ civil society speaking for „the“ decent and human parts of the population. This non legitimized NGOs (Szijjarto questions that „non“ governmental  is the correct term) frame all who don’t want illegal mass immigration from Muslim countries as indecent and inhumane. At the same time they turn their backs on domestic poverty and homelessness but light the people up to protest for free public transport for „refugees“ and to offer them free housing privately and whatever these migrants (mostly young men) might need.


#MuslimBan protest as color revolution

Europe over the last years at protests: „No border – no nation – stop deportation!“ USA now at airports: „No border – no nation – f*ck deportation!“ Europe in summer 2015 and after: „Let them stay!“ USA now: „Let them in!“, Europe 2015 and 2016:  „Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here!“, USA at #MuslimBan-protests: „No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here!“ and after the election:  „No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!“ The pictures are also very similar and the people seem to be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.

The regime change attempts of George Soros and the deep state are now carried out with the help of MSM and brainwashed leftists also in Europe. This reveals how strong the  emenies of democracy and self determination are in Europe while the election of Donald Trump was a heavy blow for them. As on January 21st many people in Europe participated in Women’s March events they now support the #MuslimBan protests. As usual the Fake News Mainstream creates false images of Donald Trump and his decisions. They don’t tell you that the list of countries affected from the temporary ban was prepared by the Obama Administration.

