Creating open border majorities

While Eastern Europe is more realistic and has a strong commitment to national sovereignty in Western Europe governments are willing to serve the Soros agenda. Not everybody is accomplice everywhere but the conditions for resistance are quite different. Without knowledge of international background and deep state strategies it is hard so see how countries are getting under total control. Different government behaviour give us a clue how far countries are yet underminded by foreign forces.

The Visegrad Group in the EU (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) now is fighting back as Soros attacks them constantly via his NGO fronts. Hungary made clear that efforts to topple the government will bei countered and the Macedonian Stop Soros-movement is getting more and more attention (see Breitbart audo interview with Cvetin Chilimanov on February 17). Now both Congress and Senate will investigate Soros‘ foreign influence and the complicity of US agencies. While Austria remains silent as Chancellor Christian Kern has Soros ties and tries to provoke preliminary elections in order to create an open border majority.


Kern is often compared to Soros ally Trudeau (Twitter)


Why I trust Donald Trump

It could be easy to decide whether Trump is trustworthy or not: take a look at mainstream media and you know nodody is attacked relentlessly who is a hostage of the deep state. But we must try to understand what he and his loyal supporters are doing and what their enemies are planning. To learn everything about Trumps known decision goes far beyond the capacities of everybody so we have to concentrate on what is imporant for us. As a non mainstream but real journalist his handling the press is indeed impressive.

He acts authentic and handles several challenges in one press conference. First business as usual as he speaks about measures and plans in different fields. So far it has been a normal press conference similar to others given by politicians. Then he chooses as during his campaign a language every citizen can understand knowing many would see at least some excerpts. And finally he addresses the hidden fakestream agenda to denounce him and his family and to get him removed from office based on lies. Remember how the Iraq war in 1991 was sold to the public? By false claims that after the invasion of Kuwait babies were thorn out of their incubators. The key story was published in December 1990 by the Washington post quoting Amnesty International, a „human rights“ intelligence front.

Trumps press conference on February 16


Former Obama adviser calls for coup in the US

Calls for the assassination of President Donald Trump or for a military coup are part of a dynamics which could become dangerous. It seems that Soros vassals like Rosa Brooks set the tune and others follow via social media. Rosa Brooks is the daughter of Socialist author Barbara Ehrenreich and worked from 2009 to 2011 for the State Department and the Department of Defense. She now uses her Foreign Policy befasst column to discuss ways getting rid of Trump – among them to declare he’s mentally insane but most bizarre idea is a military coup:

„The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders. The principle of civilian control of the military has been deeply internalized by the U.S. military, which prides itself on its nonpartisan professionalism. What’s more, we know that a high-ranking lawbreaker with even a little subtlety can run rings around the uniformed military. During the first years of the George W. Bush administration, for instance, formal protests from the nation’s senior-most military lawyers didn’t stop the use of torture. When military leaders objected to tactics such as waterboarding, the Bush administration simply bypassed the military, getting the CIA and private contractors to do their dirty work.“

brooksOn Brooks @ Twitter
