The Soros puppets‘ resistance address

During President Donald Trump’s first speech in Congress several groups held a rally under the title „resistance address“. Among the participants we find Soros linked organizations like the Ameri­can Civil Liber­ties Union or Rosie O’Donnell was the featured guest who raged against Trump accusing him of dealing with Russia, being a criminal surrounded by other white criminals and having raped women for many times. And when she was on her way to the place of the event a „conservative“ asked her „if George Soros had paid her to come here“.

She answered that she has never met George Soros „but he seems like a lovely man and one day I’d llke to share a Souvflaki with him“. But she has met „your friend Donald twice“, once at his wedding in Naples where he shook the hands of his guests (she pronounces it as if there was something wrong in that). And for the second time at a game show. „I know he hates women, he will take away women’s rights and I’m here with the ACLU“, a Soros funded organization part of the regime change / color revolution pattern, and with others and least but not last with „we the people and we’ll get him out of here“. She smears Trump on US wars he didn’t start but critized also during his campaign (where was Rosie when Obama was in office?).



Soros-style global feminism

Eve Ensler encouraged women to „vote with your vagina“, took part in the Women’s March and was the initiator of One Billion Rising against violence. Since 2013 women and girls in more and more cities of the world dance on February 14, this year the overall theme is fighting all kinds of exploitation. Though OBR never mobilizes as much women as the Women’s March on January 21 did we should take a closer look at it. When I attended OBR Vienna last year I felt pretty much alienated about the direction of the event and the speeches as „refugees“ (= illegal immigrants) were in the focus and there were partly heavy attacks on the Government.

As I then was in the midst of tracing all political activities back to transatlantic roots and George Soros I did the same research on women’s associations and networks. It turned out that even some kind of „aftershow party“ took place at a location which hosted a series of debates in cooperation with Soros‘ foundations and Soros himself was guest then. Now Eve Ensler is listed in Helena Glass ‚ blog among those Hollywood people reasonable people wo defend their country should boycott because they represent the Soros agenda. Eve Ensler wrote before the election like that: „Donald Trump is not a leader or a presidential candidate. He is an outcome, a viral manifestation of a serious malignant illness. He is the mirror of our emptiness, the emptying out that has been happening to our country for a very long time.“


Is Milo a scapegoat for the Left?

The Soros-NGOs follow always the same pattern as this is about psychological mechanisms. To create aversion in order to mobilize people it is necessary to personalize the „enemy“. In the US we find Donald Trump in this role or Milo Yiannopoulos, the alt-right and of course  members of the new Administration or Trump aides. Bear in mind that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama came from the tradition of community organizer Saul Alinsky and his „Rules for Radicals“. No wonder Alinskys son L. David Alinsky in 2008 expressed admiration for Presidential candidate Obama.

After Obama was inaugurated David Horowitz published „Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution – The Alinsky Model“ (see this pdf). The full text of „Rules for Radicals“ can be read here but let’s just pick one rule: „Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.“ Wikipedia explains: „Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.“ This is exactly what a Soros funded protest at UC Berkeley tried to achieve when Milo was scheduled for a speech: „The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.“

„The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event“, the Daily Caller continues to explain: „While it is unclear whether those who carried out the violence were paid to do so, the benefactors of the Alliance for Global Justice — and Refuse Fascism — are listed online. According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016. One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.“

Milo Yiannopoulos is gay and his boyfriend is Black so it seems absurd that he should imperson „racism“ and „right wing extremism“.  As he works for Breitbart, he is automatically framed by those who are angry that „Killary“ didn’t win the elections. These Soros guided folks kept silent on Barack Obamas illegal wars and never stood up against targeted killings nor did they blame job losses and lost houses after the financial crisis on him though his work for ACORN contributed to it. They want to believe MSM and feel themselves supported when even European media like Der Spiegel (who has a drawing of Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty on the new cover) bash the President.

That some call for a military coup and more than 12.000 posted Tweets wishing Trump being assassinated fits into their kind of reality while others are shocked. Paul Craig Roberts cites in a new article feedback from readers on the strange course of till now respected leftist alternative media and on Soros‘ covert influence in Europe. Videos from Berkeley are very similar to videos from no border-protests in Europe see f.e. at the border between Austria and Italy last April. As in Berkeley  (where Alexander Soros studies) we witness flagpoles used as weapons and fireworks and the „Antifascists“ and „Welcomers“ can be traced to networks with Soros background. And Pawlow’s dogs  have a set of slogans they repeat endlessly including „refugees are welcome here“ regardless where they protest and why.

The demonstration above against a Freedom Party ball in Vienna shows that protesters are not „open-minded“ as they claim but have a very narrow worldview where everybody is a scapegoat who doesn’t represent their brainwashed ideas per 100 %. The so-called „Antifa“ of course cares only about illegal immigrants (mostly Muslim men) while domestic poor, homeless and victims of systematic human rights violations by corrupt parts of the justice system are ignored. What Yiannopoulos says at his events is not so sensational from European perspective but it presents a truth that is painful for George Soros‘  fifth columns. Perhaps under the impression of the riots at Berkeley Austrian Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka (a Conservative) said that organizers of demonstrations must be held accountable for possible damage.

While in California the damage done is estimated to be about $ 100.000 in Austria protest is usually more restraint. Nevertheless much police force was necessary to separate protesters from ball guests – in fact on February 3rd 2017 2800 policemen and -women outnumbered 2700 people in the streets. The protest was labelled as „Buntgebung“ playing with „Kundgebung“ for protest which means it should be colorful. In a press release a Social Democrat MP (who blindly follows the globalists‘ agenda) stresses that they fill the streets for „a human, solidary and open-minded Austria“. What assets of Soros and rogue elements in the CIA see as „human“ is always in line with warmonering, illegal wars and neglecting the own population and its needs. If you look at the platform behind the „Buntgebung“ this list can serve as basic for investigations of the intelligence agencies on foreign influence via „fronts“. The Austrian state TV ORF (as bad as WDR, ARD, ZDF, NDR etc. in Germany) suggested „a broad front“ against Sobotka’s plans to change laws concerning demonstrations.

In reality a Parliamentary majority is on his side but of course it affects „NGOs“ which are nothing else than foreign intelligence fronts. Now a protest in front of the Ministry is scheduled for February 7th where Sobotka’s resignation will be demanded by the usual suspects. As it was the case when a „spontaneous“ protest against President-elect Trump took place in November the initiative pretends to be „just private“ of „concerned citizens“ (because more and more are skeptical as they know about Soros‘ influence?). “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” is another of Saul Alinsky’s 13 „Rules“ and by Wikipedia explained that way: „Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.“ In fact protests who escalate always come from the Soros‘ side so the negative image of Trump (under ongoing attacks by the Deep State) and others turns positive. Meanwhile fake news reach an extent that Tweets by The Atlantic became a case for the Secret Service.